How to treat worms with folk methods: all recipes in one place

Despite the fact that people currently have access to many hygiene products, as well as ways to process food, no one is immune to worm infections. These parasites can appear in the human body, regardless of gender and age. In addition to the fact that the awareness of the presence of parasites in your body is already unpleasant in itself, this phenomenon can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms and diseases.

Unlike many other diseases, it is not possible to completely prevent worm infections through vaccinations or special preparations. However, there are a number of effective folk remedies that will not only help you cure the disease, but also prevent its occurrence in the future. These recipes are formed thanks to many years of experience and their effectiveness has been proven over time. There are special recipes for both very young children and adults.

What are worms?

To choose the right method of treating worms, you must first understand their type, which is only possible in the laboratory. So, if localization is taken as a criterion, then intestinal worms can be distinguished, as well as extraintestinal parasites that can live and multiply in blood vessels, bile ducts and even in brain and lung tissues. It is also worth distinguishing between species. So, worms can refer to roundworms, tapeworms or flukes.

Worms can vary depending on the stage of the life cycle, they are divided into biohelminths, geohelminths and infectious species.

  • So, geohelminths are in the form of eggs and are in the soil. Without going through this stage, worms cannot enter the human body.
  • Biohelminths appear after replacing several intermediate hosts. So, before infecting a person, they can visit the body of the animal.
  • Infectious helminths are released into the environment by the human body.

Symptoms of worm infection

The time for the first symptoms of a worm infection can vary from a few days to several months, depending on the type of parasite. The most common manifestation of the acute stage of helmentosis can be considered allergic reactions. They appear in the form of rashes, which are accompanied by itching. Their area is constantly increasing. In addition, there is swelling of the lymph nodes, as well as swelling of the tissues and pain in the muscles and joints. Particularly severe cases may be accompanied by severe cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, stool disorders, nausea, enlarged spleen and even changes in blood composition.

Helminthiasis can eventually progress to a chronic stage. Symptoms can vary depending on which organ is affected by the worms. Most often this problem affects the intestines. If the number of individuals from parasites is insignificant, then the disease may not have any symptoms. Problems arise only in the case of a large population or a significant size of the parasites. The main effect of helminths is on the digestive system, which complicates the processes of absorption of nutrients, as well as the excretion of waste products from the body. As a result, immunity is reduced and the work of all body systems is disrupted. When it comes to children, the symptoms of helminthiasis can also spread to the nervous system.

milk and garlic for parasites

Milk and garlic for worms

This recipe is probably the best for children. Usually 3-4 days of treatment are enough for the worms to disappear. During this time, it is recommended to give the child a glass of milk containing three crushed garlic cloves every day. Garlic plays a major role here, and milk only helps to remove the unpleasant bitterness. Before going to bed, be sure to make enemas with garlic.

There are several recipes for making an enema solution.

  • The easiest way is to chop the garlic (1 clove), put it in a glass of water or milk and boil for 5 minutes. The liquid must then be filtered.
  • Another option is to boil the garlic head in a glass of milk until soft. Once the milk has cooled, strain it and apply an enema. For adults you can use the entire volume, and for children half a cup (70 to 100 ml) is enough. It is important to keep it as long as possible after the enema. An enema will help get rid of pinworms.
  • To enhance the effect of the enema, you can take several more garlic-based products at the same time. So it is useful to drink a small amount of milk with the addition of 15 drops of garlic juice three times a day on an empty stomach.
  • It is also useful to eat 10 cloves of garlic at a time, washed down with roasted milk. You need to give the garlic a few hours so that it acts on the gastrointestinal tract, after which they take a laxative. This is one of the most effective ways to treat worms, which was used by ancient healers.

Garlic tincture

Garlic is a miraculous medicine that is used to treat almost all diseases. As for worms, it may be difficult to find a more effective cure. And garlic will be especially effective if taken in the form of a tincture. To prepare it, you will need 5 cloves of garlic and a glass of milk.

First, pass the garlic through a press or grate to make a mash. The resulting mixture is poured with milk and boiled for about 15 minutes. After removing the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and let the broth boil for a few hours. The resulting product can be used both in the form of a drink and in the form of an enema.

The course of taking a tincture of garlic is a week. At the same time you should drink 4 cups every day (you can prepare the tincture at once for the whole day, increasing the amount of ingredients proportionally). If you decide to treat yourself with enemas, then you will need a cup of tincture (half the norm will be enough for a child). It is better to perform the procedure before bed for a week.

pumpkin seeds to remove parasites from the body

Treatment of worms with pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are quite an effective remedy against helmentosis and the treatment brings much less discomfort than the treatment with garlic. So the seeds work well in combination with castor oil. For three days you should eat 25 unpeeled pumpkin seeds in 4 doses. Try to chew them as carefully as possible. After an hour you should drink a teaspoon of castor oil. The course of treatment is three days.

For the next recipe you have to grind in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar 300 grams of pre-peeled pumpkin seeds. The resulting powder is diluted with water to such an extent that the mass resembles sour cream in density. At the end of cooking, add a tablespoon of honey. Please note that for a teenager, the amount of medicine is halved, and for the treatment of a small child, one-sixth of the adult norm is sufficient. In the morning on an empty stomach, you should eat the resulting mass. To keep the effect of the drug on the body permanent, try to prolong this process for an hour by chewing each portion slowly (this will not be difficult, as the mass of seeds with honey will have a very pleasant taste). After three hours you should drink a laxative or make an enema. This method allows you to solve the worm problem in exactly one day.

Worm enemas

Since worms in most cases parasitize the intestines, it is perfectly appropriate to apply topical treatments such as enemas. Enemas are usually done at night. And even if you take certain medications by mouth, you will hardly be able to do without this procedure.

The most effective is an enema with garlic. Cut 5 cloves of garlic well, pour half a glass of water over them and boil the resulting mass. When the broth has cooled, strain it and start the procedure. Remember that the solution for such an enema should not be completely cold. Better to match your body temperature.

In the fight against worms, tansy shows high efficiency. So, for a glass of boiling water, you will need 20 grams of dry herb. After half an hour the infusion will be completely ready and will only need to be filtered. As in the previous case, the product should be slightly warm. Attention! It should be remembered that tansy procedures should not be performed by pregnant and lactating women!

Since parasites cannot tolerate an alkaline environment, it is quite possible to use baking soda. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and gently heat the resulting solution on the stove to 38-42 ºC. For children, this amount will be quite sufficient. And when it comes to treating adults, it is better to prepare two glasses of solution for one procedure.

herbal tea for parasites

Herbal medicines

Medicinal herbs are the fundamental basis of traditional medicine and therefore can not do without them in the treatment of worms. In addition to the fact that medicinal plants are highly effective, procedures with them are quite gentle, and the treatment does not cause severe discomfort.

  • Quite often bitter wormwood is used to treat worms. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a glass of boiling water on a tablespoon with a slide of dry grass. The signal that the medicine is ready will be the grass that settles to the bottom and the liquid itself will turn brown. The broth must be filtered. Shortly before meals (three times a day), drink half a glass of this medicine.
  • The tansy infusion is prepared in a similar way, but the preparation time is increased to 4 hours. In addition, given that tansy is a poisonous plant, you can drink no more than one tablespoon of the drug at a time. There should be 4 such techniques during the day. You can also make enemas with tansy, the recipe for which we gave above.
  • If you are not sure if you can properly prepare the infusion or decoction, try making a dry mixture. So, grind flax seeds, cloves and dried wormwood in equal proportions in a coffee grinder. After each meal you should take half a teaspoon of the resulting powder.
  • The most gentle method of getting rid of worms is the daily morning intake of 200 ml of fresh carrot juice. (preferably on an empty stomach). A decoction of dried pomegranate peel and chamomile tea helps.

Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil is used to remove large parasites from the body. It effectively fights even with tapeworms and roundworms. The course of treatment lasts three days, during which three times a day (of course, on an empty stomach), they drink a teaspoon of the drug. It is allowed to eat only after half an hour. It is also recommended to apply oil enemas at night in a volume of up to 50 ml.

Worm tea

In order not to focus on herbs yourself, you can buy ready-made preparations and herbal teas in the pharmacy, which are specially designed to remove parasites from the body. So, monastery tea is quite popular. In addition, almost every pharmaceutical company has its own antiparasitic collection. Their composition is approximately the same, but the proportions of some medicinal plants can differ significantly.

Is it possible to get infected with animal worms

Of course, there is a huge risk of worm infection from contact with cats and dogs, as they are the main carriers of these parasites. However, you will not get sick if you follow basic hygiene practices. It is enough to wash your hands thoroughly every time you have petted the animal or touched certain objects (plates, toilet, pet toys).

If you have touched your lips with dirty fingers or eaten something, then most likely the infection cannot be avoided. Also, keep away from animals. Even if you love your pet very much, it is better not to kiss him, because it is in the saliva and hair of animals that there are larvae of parasites. Precautions should be taken, even if your pet does not go outside.

How do worms come out?

Worms can come out not only through the anus, but also with vomiting. Besides, they don't have to be dead.

Helmentosis is quite treatable. At the same time, if you do not trust pharmaceutical drugs, then you have a huge choice of proven and effective folk remedies. Be patient and treat yourself consistently. Once you get rid of the parasites, your well-being will improve dramatically.