Worms in humans - how to properly treat worms, effective methods of treatment

In the body, in addition to the spiritual essence, there are a number of other forms of life that are not always favorable for human life. It is customary to be shy when it comes to the unpleasant life forms that are next to us. There are parasites that poison our body, coexist in it and multiply.

And everyone has a problem: how to treat one of the most common diseases, how to treat worms?

This is the question that worries everyone, which we will try to answer.

To understand what it is, you need to determine how worms appear and how to treat them:

  • they enter the human body as it is infected by lower multicellular organisms, parasitic worms, through the external environment;
  • parasites, or helminths, are found in insects, fungi and plants, as well as in vertebrates;
  • helminths occur in 60% of the population, but this is not the worst, because in people of Asian descent, doctors in laboratory diagnostics find 100% infection with various forms of helminths.

The products of their vital activity in humans, they cause all sorts of diseases. Getting rid of these symptoms is our immediate task, as worms in adults suppress vital activity and even reduce physical activity.

Worms have all sorts of side effects in an adult. How to get rid of this scourge and how to treat worms, let's try to understand from the recommendations of experts.

Symptoms of the disease

From the very beginning, you need to make sure that a person has worms on external signs. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of the infection, which are as follows:

  • acne on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • weight and its changes with increased appetite;
  • unstable chair;
  • bad breath, gas and belching;
  • headache and irritability;
  • uncharacteristic odor of feces and urine;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • asthma and cough attacks;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • excretion of parts of helminths in the feces;
  • itching in the anus.

These symptoms should alert everyone and make you consider consulting a professional. Only a specialist in the field of diagnosing such diseases will be able to answer the question of what is the treatment of a specific parasitic infection in adults.

Types of parasites in humans

abdominal pain in the presence of worms

In order to know how to treat ourselves, it is important to understand what kind of parasite we are dealing with in adults. There are a number of types of helminth infestations that differ in both symptoms and effects on the human body.

There are the following types of parasites:

  1. pinworms, itching in the anus, is a sign of infection with small roundworms;
  2. Trichinella, enter muscle mass through blood vessels and cause swelling and pain;
  3. whip, a source of problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. tapeworms, various types of tapeworms of great length;
  5. roundworms, long enough, roundworms that cause respiratory and biliary tract problems.

All types of these invasions are associated with the use of insufficiently heat-treated food and non-compliance with hygiene rules. The presence of pets also often leads to infection with parasites.

The attending physician who has detected the symptoms of damage to the body must confirm the diagnosis with the help of laboratory tests. For this, scrapings from the anus, fecal tests for worm eggs, enzyme immunoassay, endoscopy and ultrasound are used.

Methods of treatment

tablets and garlic for the treatment of worms

People who want to be cured of an annoying problem choose either a medical method or traditional medicine. It should be noted that the combined treatment of worms will also be effective after consultation with the supervising physician.

Worm medicines are prescribed by a specialist based on the results of laboratory tests and personal experience.

The presence of worms in an adult is not in itself a diagnosis of a complex disease and the body does not need to be treated, and the removal of parasites from it interferes with its normal functioning.

Therefore, medicines for worms are aimed at suppressing the functions of their vital activity or ability to absorb nutrients, which leads to their death.

According to this principle, they are divided into the following types:

  • in the muscle tissue of parasites the drug blocks nerve impulses;
  • do not allow the absorption of glucose, which leads to the death of parasites;
  • blocks the intestines of worms;
  • affect the ability to move.

In addition, drugs are broadly targeted and narrowly targeted to a specific type of parasite. Based on experience, treatment methods and laboratory results, the attending physician selects a specific drug for each case.

Long-acting antiparasitic drugs are used to stop their growth by blocking metabolic processes.

A narrower spectrum of anthelmintic drugs affects tapeworms.

In addition to worm preparations, in the treatment of invasions are used agents that eliminate allergic reactions of the body. They reduce the overall intoxication of the body by eliminating worms in adults and are aimed at reducing symptomatic phenomena. Medicines for the treatment of the patient, as well as the procedure for their reception, are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the process of helminthiasis.

Medications containing mebendazole are used in enterobiosis and trichuria. Diethylcarbamazine-containing medicines are suitable for the treatment of filariasis, including diseases of the visual organs and lymphatic system. Medicines containing Levamisole are used for hookworm and ascariasis. Befeniya hydroxynaphthoate is used against roundworms. And piperazine adipate gives a good effect in roundworms and enterobiosis.

Tablets containing albendazole relieve echinococcus and cysticercosis. In difficult cases of helminthiasis is carried out therapy with: hemodesis, glucose solutions. Cordiamine is used for high blood pressure.

The supervising physician will be able to prescribe the necessary course of treatment and select a drug from a wide range of drugs applicable to a particular case. It is very important not to hide the problem and at the slightest symptoms, such as a worm infection, consult a doctor.

Alternative treatments

folk remedies for the treatment of worms

Drug treatment, although effective, has side effects. There are people for whom drugs are contraindicated.

In this case, we will consider non-drug treatments, namely:

  • Ayurveda;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • treatment based on alcoholic beverages.

Ayurveda not only normalizes vitality and increases the overall tone of the body, but also serves as a method of getting rid of worms.

The reason for the infection with helminths, according to the followers of this doctrine, is the lack of hygiene and purity of thought. Impure, evil thoughts, laziness and despondency are the reasons for reducing the body's resistance to external influences.

Exercises that saturate the human body with cosmic energy help maintain health and find inner balance. At the same time it is important to cleanse the body of toxins with laxatives, and then use hot spices and decoctions with food. Thyme, wormwood and St. John's wort will be very useful. After a week you can repeat the laxative decoctions to leave the parasites in your body.

Oxygen therapy has long been known as a way to expel helminths from the human body. The essence of the process is that a special tube is inserted into the esophagus and oxygen is pumped through it. This procedure is repeated for several days and promotes the expulsion of parasites, while saturating the cells of the gastrointestinal tract with oxygen.

Ozone therapy is also used for this purpose, but the tube is inserted into the anus and an ozone-oxygen mixture is applied, which acts on the parasites in a paralyzing way. It is also possible to use enemas with olive oil and ozone. These types of treatments allow you to get rid of worms very effectively.

For an alternative treatment, use a mixture of cognac and tea in equal proportions, drink on an empty stomach with a laxative. Drink a large tablespoon of cognac for five days, and after ten days take a second dish.

A good remedy for helminths is vodka, in which garlic heads are poured. Apply a tablespoon for ten days.

Folk remedies and methods of treatment

garlic and onion to treat worms

Folk wisdom teaches us to use natural remedies in the fight against worms in adults. Their variety and usefulness cannot be overestimated. Good help in the fight against parasites, pumpkin and flaxseed, which are taken together with laxatives.

Perfectly proven decoctions and infusions of bitter wormwood. Garlic and onions not only help with colds, but also have a positive effect in the fight against parasites. Decoction of pomegranate peel is also well established as an anthelmintic.

You can use enemas with black seed oil or enemas with baking soda, as well as castor oil. It should be noted that by combining alternative treatments you can achieve a greater effect. But it is better not to get infected and to keep your personal space clean.

How to avoid worm infestation

Try to eat only washed vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. For heat treatment of meat or fish for at least 40-60 minutes. Pets are constantly treated for worms, after consultation with a veterinarian. Keep your hands clean after close contact with animals and traveling in transport, as well as after visiting public places. Keep your underwear clean and keep your nails clean.

When fishing and hunting, when traveling, be neat and clean. Simple tips will help you stay healthy and not go through a long course of treatment. And in case of infection, recover and do not become infected again. Be healthy.